Co-working community for BIPOC, the hub for IT/design field jobs. Creating more job opportunities for minority groups, /culturally marginalized groups to promote equity, equality, and no bias on racism, ageism, and sexism and collaborate with other people who can join your project or hire part-time employees. Lending desktop and WIFI service.
Business card design
Business card design
Tote bag
Tote bag
Office mock up for Co-working environment.
Providing co-working environment for designers and developers, provide free WIFI service and desk top.
Logo process and font variations
Persona and project goals.
Responsive design for desk top version and app version using Adobe XD.
journey map for user
journey map for user
problem statement/What, why, who
problem statement/What, why, who
Competitive research and methodology insight theme.
Low fidelity wire framing for usability test.
High fidelity visual for app design and desk top web view.
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